"energy independence" is old white men exploiting fossil fuels at the expense of the environment, still not "conserving" anything... (you didn't answer the question)
We wouldn't need "border control" if the US hadn't spent decades meddling with politics in Central America. Those people are running for their lives from the mess that we created in Nicaragua, Guatemala, Mexico... and they're doing the work that "white" Americans can't or won't do for themselves.
Reagan lied (recall Iran-Contra), and then sold us out to China; Bush Jr. drove us into a hole in Iraq and Afghanistan (the WMD's that weren't there); Trump sold us out to the Russians … all of them increased the deficit while cutting taxes on the rich (and telling us they were doing the opposite, remember Bush Sr.). There's no evidence for fiscal conservatism.
Clinton was no prize. Obama was faced with an obstructionist Senate. Let's give Biden a chance.