Amen! Roosevelt embraced Keynesian economic theory in the 30's, and saved the country (IMHO). Republicans have been trying to dismantle those programs ever since. In the 80's, they finally had their one big (really bad) idea … Freidman & the Chicago school. Good for rich people, bad for everyone else.
That may well have run its course.
Now, they have inverted the narrative (what Athens accused Socrates of doing, btw) with fake news and disinformation...
I'm fine with SS, VA, etc. [Read, if you will, Wendell Berry's Unsettling of America. Look at the legacies of Borlaug & Vavilov...] Ag policy from the 80's onward was based solely on economy of scale. No support for small farmers, subsidies for big corporate. That is not "government doing its job." It's corporatism, systematically poisoning our soil, water, and food.